Using Drones and New Technologies for Façade Inspections

IIBEC– accredited presentation  

DATE: May 24, 2023, from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm  

EVENT FORMAT: In-person panel + presentation, Q&A  

 5:30 – 6 pm: Registration and networking  

6-7:30 pm: Panel presentation and case studies (3 panelists and 1 moderator, Q&A)   7:30 to 8:00 pm Networking  

LOCATION: Club 101, 101 Park Avenue NYC  

ATTENDEES: Building Enclosure Consultants, Architects, Engineers, Owners, Contractors and  Manufacturers:  


Giulia Alimonti, AIA, LEED AP, VP of Building Envelope at Entuitive  

President of IIBEC Metro NY Chapter 

05/15/2023 GA  

IIBEC Metro NY Chapter, May 24, 2023 


Inspec ons of facades, roofs and other appurtenances of buildings in New York City are essential for  public safety and for maintenance and repair of the City’s building stock. Complying with inspection  requirements presents several challenges to building Owners, the professionals conducting the  inspections, and to the contractors that provide equipment and access to the facades during inspection.  

This presenta on will describe current state of the art technologies such as drones, and so?ware that  employs Point Cloud and Artificial intelligence (AI) to gather data in support of façade inspections and  monitor the long-term health of the building’s envelope.  

We will discuss the state-of-the-art technologies, the legislative landscape, and the potential of these technologies to improve efficiency and support the efforts of architects, engineers, and facade  consultants. Also, we will hear feedback regarding these technologies from the perspective of building  owners.  


  1. Using drones to inspect building facades, roofs, etc.  
  2. State of the AEC industry regarding deploying drones for inspec ons.  
  3. NYC DOB Local Law 102 of 2020 (see attached).  
  4. Use of Point Cloud and AI technologies for collecting data from inspections. Does it help, and if  yes, to what extent?  
  5. Required permits, cer fica ons and insurance. Who can operate drones?  

6. Advantages and disadvantages of using drones for façade inspections. What to expect as a  PE/RA/QEWI.


May 24 2023


5:30 pm - 8:00 pm


Club 101
101 Park Avenue, New York